Dialysate Magnesium Pragmatic Trial
What is Dial-Mag?
The Dialysate Magnesium Pragmatic Trial (Dial-Mag) is a multi-centre pragmatic cluster randomized trial being conducted in 150+ dialysis units located across Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario. The trial team seeks to determine the best dialysate magnesium concentration for the health of patients on dialysis. Previous studies have shown that a low serum magnesium concentration is associated with poor outcomes in patients receiving hemodialysis. Increasing the dialysate magnesium concentration increases patients’ serum magnesium concentrations and may improve patient outcomes.
The Dial-Mag researchers hope to determine whether the serum magnesium concentrations have such an impact, and the optimal concentration of dialysate magnesium concentrations for improved patient health.

Why is Dial-Mag needed?
Kidney disease places a heavy burden on patients, their families and caregivers, and the health care system. For persons whose kidneys have failed, dialysis represents a treatment that can prolong life. However, those on dialysis can face a poor quality of life, high morbidity and mortality, and high health care costs. Understanding optimal treatment conditions, including components of the fluid used in dialysis, could ease these burdens.
Dialysate is a critical component of hemodialysis, made of water, electrolytes and salts. Despite its importance, little evidence is available to guide the optimal formulation of dialysate. The magnesium concentration in dialysate, or “dialysate magnesium,” in particular has received little scientific attention until recently, with new research suggesting that a higher dialysate magnesium concentration may benefit patients.

The Numbers
Total Participating Dialysis Centres
Total Participants over 4 Years*
15.6 mill
Total Dialysis Sessions over 4 Years*
*approximate numbers
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